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What quarantine looks like for me

Writer's picture: James CarrJames Carr


Hello, everyone, and welcome back! I hope we are having a very productive and wonderful day wherever we are in the world. I apologize that this is a little late, I have been caught up with all new courses for school, work, and family so I’ve not forgotten about you all. If you are new to my website, make sure you subscribe here to be the first people to know when a new blog is up.

So today, I thought I would talk a bit about what quarantine looks like for me. I know this can be different for all but if you find something that you think would be helpful then please read until the end.

6:30 am

So, as you can tell I am an early riser, I prefer to wake up that little bit early to help me get through my day. To start my day, I usually do the essentials like make my bed, open my window, etc. and then I sit down at my desk and write my To-Do List for the day. I find that it helps to have all the tasks I must get done for the day written down on a piece of paper, so I don’t forget about them and don’t end up doing it.

Also, I like to have a read through my emails and reply back if necessary. Sometimes, the teacher may have forgotten to have sent something, and therefore send you an e-mail on a Saturday morning, so its good to take this time in the morning to productively get back anyone and get it out of the way.

7:00 am

After spending the first 30 mins of my day, writing up a To-Do List, and reading my emails, I like to take a shower and change into my clothes for the day. However, if I feel like exercising in the morning, I will do that before taking a shower, it just really depends on how I feel, and how my schedule is for the day. Moreover, its best to exercise first thing before you take a shower, because you will feel more refreshed afterward, and the benefits of exercising in the morning are extremely good.

7:30 am

After I have finished exercising or taking a shower, I will make my first meal of the day. Personally, I’m very basic, I don’t like a lot in the morning, so I will just have something like toast or a bowl of cereal. When I was body-building a few years ago, I wouldn’t have breakfast at all. I usually had a protein shake (leave a comment if you want to know what’s in the shake) and that helps me to get through the morning, even until 10:30 am.

8:00 am – 11:00 am

Once I have had brekkie and sorted myself out, I get through any schoolwork I need to get done for the week. So currently, I need to complete questions for Higher Computing, as well as reading the section on Data Representation. And I also need to complete some work for Enterprise, which is not as bad as Computing, but it could be better.

So, before I begin, I like to have a bottle of water, and something light to eat for when I feel hungry. The key is to have things like food and water or juice next to you while studying, as this helps you to concentrate on your work more and means you don’t have to leave the desk. When I study, I do 30:20, which is basically 30 minutes studying, and 20 minutes break. Having a break in between study sessions is vital if you really need to remember a lot because you’re giving your brain that time it needs to let the information sink in and remember it. The best thing that’s worked for me for remembering things for a test or an assignment is laying out the notes you think will be most likely to appear in a mind map, or even record yourself speaking out the notes. This is good for visual and auditory learners, as you remember much more information from say a mind map, than you do reading all your notes. If you would like me to cover a blog or make a video on this, then please leave a comment on the things you might struggle with, in terms of revision or studying, or hacks that help you learn more, and I will make content relating to it.

11:30 am – 12:00 pm

Around this time, I like to take the time to move away from my desk and recover my mind from all the studying and questions I’ve had to do. If the weather is nice I will go for a 20-minute walk somewhere (keeping my distance from others) just to clear my mind of any anxiety or stress that I may have been feeling from the study sessions. I find this helpful as it helps to take the weight off my shoulders.

Although, if the weather isn’t so good, I will use this time to meditate or read a book. One of the books I’m currently reading is a book called “Soldier Spy” by Tom Marcus, if you’re into spy and action novels then this book is definitely a must-read. I will leave this novel on the main page if you are interested.

12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

During this time, I like to chill out a little, before I start my work. Especially, when I have been working super hard throughout the day. For those who don’t know me that well, I work part-time in a small shop, 3 pm to 9 pm/10 pm 5 days a week, which isn’t bad but I would prefer the weekend off, instead of being off on a Wednesday and Sunday (but anyways, its life). So I will get changed into my work clothes and leave the house at about 1:55 pm, just if I’m walking, I like to leave that extra hour early so I’m there on time. When it’s a really nice day, its good to walk to work as I get vitamin D from the sun, but it also gives me the chance to clear my head.

3:00 pm – 9:00 pm/ 10:00 pm

This is when I start my shift for the day, so my job is basically a shop assistant where I am responsible for making sure all stock is out on the shelves for sale, and that all fridge aisles and grocery sections are filled up and nicely displayed. Specifically, one shift in the week, I will disinfect and clean the shelves from one aisle, and then the following week, I’ll move on to the next aisle and so forth. The times I am not stacking shelves is when I am cleaning the coffee machine or serving on the till. It may sound easy enough to serve customers at a till, but please, believe me, it's not as easy as it seems. Especially you need to know where it is your key in items, search for products, apply discounts etc and so forth. Not only is this difficult at times, it can sometimes depend on WHO you’re serving, one minute you can serve someone whose really friendly and then the next one is really cheeky and criticizes you for doing your job. Me personally, I get criticised at work because the boss tends to have certain items priced too high, but because I’m the only one around in the shop… yeah, you can pretty much guess where I am going from.

Then around closing time, basically it’s a tidy up of the place, mop the floor and then home time (thank God).

9:30 pm/ 10:30 pm

This is when I finally get home from work and have some time to chill out before bed. Dinner is one thing that can be an issue with sometimes, its late at night and I only have 7/8 hours until I’m up again for the next day, so if I have the time before work I tend to have my dinner then and just a light snack when I get home, or if I prep my meal earlier in the day I will take it to work and eat it during my break.

During this time as well, I will take the time to read a book or watch YouTube for a bit before bed, and then when I eventually go to sleep, I like to listen to a sleep meditation. Meditating at night is a really good way to let your body relax and prepare yourself a long uninterrupted period of sleep.

And that comes to the end of what I do throughout my day-to-day routine. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog, if you did make sure you subscribe to my website from our home page and if you like my content make sure you leave a wee comment as well. And I will catch you guys all next time. See you all next time!


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