Feel like trying something new? Habits are our everyday way of living, from the time we wake up in the morning, to the time we close our eyes at night. Habits are things that we naturally do throughout the day and sometimes its something we're enthusiastic and passionate to do. Achieving a new habit can take up to 21 days for you to get used to it. Sound familiar? When modern businesses and entrepreneurs are trying to sell something to their consumers, they need to provide a 21 or 30-day money-back guarantee on any purchases on their products, especially if a customer isn't satisfied with their product or service. Nowadays, we see so many new entrepreneurs and unique businesses popping up everywhere, and selling in bulk purchases.
So today, I'm going to share 5 Habits of Successful People.
Getting up so early
Successful business owners or entrepreneurs tend to be early risers, even though they don’t start for another say 3 hours. Many of them will use this time to do things they want to get done such as tackling personal projects, planning their day out, or taking the time to exercise. For example, Apple CEO, Tim Cook wakes up at 3:45 am every morning to go through emails, exercises, and grab a coffee before setting into his workday.
Therefore, in order to be successful, you’ve got to have determination and motivation, by motivating yourself to wake up that little bit earlier to get things done, by being productive throughout the day and much more! Me personally, I wake up at 6:00 am every morning, and I get to work on tasks I need to do first thing in the morning, like writing a new blog or working on promotions and sales presentations. By just getting up that little earlier than usual can make all the difference between productivity and work rate.
Work on their goals
Some of the most successful entrepreneurs will build a business or personal vision 3 years into the future, or more. They lay out what it is they want to achieve through the day, things like making a deal with another company. They will have a mixture of goals for financial, strategic, relationships, personal, and to free up more time reasons, but they make sure they can focus on it without procrastinating in anyway. Then once they manage to achieve the first set of goals, they will set new goals to focus on, and help them expand their business.
Many entrepreneurs will write down their goals, which makes their goals more likely achievable. Therefore, once we have an idea of what it is we want to do, then we embed these goals into our minds and subconsciously our brain looks for every opportunity to work on achieving that goal. This can help you reset, get more focused and motivate yourself to push on towards achieving that goal you want.
Getting enough sleep
Successful people always make sure they get the right amount of sleep, in order to be more productive, the next day. Sleep is extremely crucial if you want to be successful, in the fact that you are more focused, motivated, and positive. We need sleep to recharge our brains and bodies, especially after a long day. When we are tired, we aimlessly begin to procrastinate by jumping from one task to another. In this busy society that we have come to see as “normal”, sleep is has become somewhat of a luxury.
And many of those entrepreneurs, and the mum and dad’s out there, some of you might relate to the phrase: “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” However, you couldn’t be further from the truth, you are forgoing the one thing that can help you achieve success. Sleep deprivation can cause problems for our bodies, such as hallucinations, wrinkly skin, irritable and moody, and so much more.
So, by going to your bed at the right time at night and getting the amount of sleep you need to be productive, you will wake up the next morning feeling enthusiastic, vibrant, focused etc.
Avoiding time-wasters
This is a big issue when it comes to be trying to be successful in a personal and business sense. Many entrepreneurs and business owners get caught up in many other aspects of their life that they sometimes forget what it is they're meant to be doing. Things like social media profiles aren’t much of a priority than what’s in front of you, yes it may seem like it’s a difficult task and you would rather avoid it, but you don’t know it’s difficult until you’ve tried it. Most entrepreneurs and business owners give up on the first try if things don’t go the way they wanted it to work. However, this isn’t the case. People like us will try something they have never tried before and when they fail the first time, they just give up, instead of trying and trying again until they get it right.
Take Jeff Bezos for example, the founder of Amazon. Mr Bezos has one of the biggest success of the online era. However, before Amazon became a household name, the company’s CEO had several failed ideas. One of the most notable failed ideas was an online auction site, which evolved into zShops, a brand that ultimately failed. Evermore, Jeff Bezos repurposed the idea into what would eventually become the Amazon Marketplace.
So, it just comes to show that if you put your mind to something and never give up on it, you’ll find success. So, if you have big ideas but you’d rather binge-watch your favourite box series, don’t start someday, start now, it will bring success in the future.
Now entrepreneurs and business owners will know that keeping yourself fit and healthy is extremely vital, not only for yourself but for your business. The founder of JC Penny, James Cash Penny once said:
“Unless you are willing to drench yourself in your work beyond the capacity of the average man, you are just not cut out for positions at the top.”
In simple terms, success isn’t just something you stumble upon, it takes long hard work, and dedication to achieve success. It’s the ones who never give up when hit with a brick wall, it’s the ones who stressed out when they felt like they were getting nowhere but still kept going. It’s people like them who become the most successful in life.
Apart from all the stress that comes with running a business, don’t forget to look after yourself, because if say something were to tragically happen to you, that business will no longer run. So that weekend you said you’re going chill out, use that time to go for a walk or a run, or even exercise in the comfort of your own home. Trust me, it will make a big difference.
Well, that is going to do for today. I hope you enjoyed my blog, if you did please make sure you like and subscribe to our website for the latest updates for new blogs, and I will see you all next Tuesday. Peace out ✌️