This is the beginning of a new term for some, especially students doing their final year in high school. This can be frustrated and cause anxiety for some as most of us have been off for the last 6 months, so this will take a little getting used to. For me, it has helped me to focus better, however I still have anxiety because, despite there being positive news, Covid-19 is still among and strike at any point and time. If you've tuned into the news recently, the Scottish Government has said that there won't be the need for social distancing, however we should practice this. 6th year students as made to socially distance as the virus is more commonly in us than it is younger children. BUT anyways, I could go on about how this situation is driving us up the wall, but let's get started!
1. Look at specification paper for each course

This is the best thing to do before you start back school officially. Looking at the specification papers for each class can help you know better in terms of what you will learn in class and what you need to be prepared for. I prefer to do this in July, so that I have a month to get organised for classes. In my opinion, I believe you do better in class, when you what to expect or when a test is due, but moreover it helps you stay on track.
2. Make sure you have the right books for each class

Looking for the right textbooks that are suitable for each class can make a huge difference. However, before you go buying them, check the schools library (if you have one) and ask to borrow the book. This is more effective as you know it will be up to date and that you're less likely to pick up the wrong book and waste money. Or if you don't want to carry those heavy textbooks in your bags, then the option is that ask if they have a PDF version of the textbook your looking for.
3. Travel to school in style

When you go to school, you obviously want to look professional, so if you're school has a blazer, wear it. Wearing your shirt, tie, school blazer and black trousers, can make you look "out of the ordinary". For me, I've always dressed smart, mainly because I think of school as a workplace, so I would much prefer to wear "corporate uniform". By wearing a blazer, your going to look more presentable and more business like, which makes people look at you and say "Damn, I wish I had style like him/her".
4. Hit the ground running

If this is you completing your final year at high school, then my advice is make the best of it, as much as you can. As most of my teachers have said, most students lack in tests and prelims but end up doing brilliant in the final exam. However, with our current situation, you should treat each test and each prelim as though it were the final exam. A lot of people from my year and many others throughout the world will have experienced the same thing. However, from our teachers are telling us, we may not be able to sit our exams for a second time, unless this virus is suppressed.
The point I'm trying to get across is, don't wait for it to come you, you need to your ass off for you to go to it. Sure, we may have this little moments where we feel like giving up, but that's the whole part of progress and becoming a better version of you.
5. Make priorities for yourself

First of all, you need to ask yourself "What is it I want to do with my life?". It's a question we sometimes tend to avoid, due to the feeling of being overwhelmed by it. However, sooner or later you'll have to make decisions you don't want to do. This can be things such as staying home at the weekend to study for that test you have on Monday, or revising for that big exam that's coming in a few weeks. Whatever it may be, you need to have clear and achievable priorities. By making priorities, you will not only have a clear view of what it is you need to do, but also what you can do make things better. Too often, we follow the sheep and do the same things everyone esle is doing, where that's not the point. In order to achieve what you want to achieve, you need to take small steps to progress and get to where you want to be, not where someone else wants you to be.
I hope that some of you find these tips helpful, and if you want to hear anymore tips and advice about working better academically, then please leave a comment below or email me your thoughts or comments from the form on the main page. I hope you enjoyed reading this and I will see you in the next blog.