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Advice for students starting high school

Writer's picture: James CarrJames Carr

Updated: May 31, 2020

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! I hope we are all staying safe and healthy out there during this time of uncertainty. For some people in Scotland, most S6 students would be finishing high school to move on to further education, and Primary 7s were supposed to have their transition days to get a taste of high school. However, due to the current situation, it is not possible to visit your chosen university or high school, and some of you will be feeling somewhat anxious and overwhelmed by this. I just want you all to know. You are not alone. There will be many students across the world who will be leaving or starting somewhere new and yes it can be a difficult thing to handle. Today I am going to share with you some advice for students who are either starting high school or have left high school to go Uni or college.

Have a place to write down key dates


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When first started high school the first thing I would buy from the stationary section is a diary or a lined A5 notebook. It is crucial that you somewhere that you can write down all your key dates, tests, homework, assignments, etc. because your classes will most likely give you homework in the second or third week of starting high school. Not only is it important to keep a note of anything that you may need know about, but it also helps you to get used to the type of organizational method that suits you, and the study habits that are required. For me, the thing I found the most beneficial was having a folder for each class as well as having a 2 ring binder with dividers for each subject if I had received paper handouts. However, this may not work for everyone, so whatever you believe is the most beneficial to you.

Choose a good seat


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When starting your classes for the first time in high school, you should try your best to get a good seat. This is because most classes will often choose the seat you are to sit in, however, if you get the opportunity to choose your own seating, then you will have the same seat for the entire year. Also, I would recommend staying away from the back of the classroom, as that’s where you’ll find the most distractions, the best thing for me is sitting the front of the class so I am able to hear the teacher when he/she is talking, as well as grabbing her full attention if I am unsure of something during class.

Always come prepared for class


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This is extremely important because making sure you have the right tools is important for every class you have. I have seen tons of students from my year group who still come unprepared for a class since the beginning of S1, its that bad sometimes that some of the students never brought a schoolbag with them as they believed they were “too cool for school”. Making sure you bring the right stationery with you to school will definitely help you get through your classes better and shows the teachers you’re ready to learn.

E-mail your teacher if you are absent


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I will be honest, teachers must actually think I’m a pain, due to when I’m absent (which is hardly never) I will email teachers, asking them for work we would’ve covered in class that day. This is good because if your one of those unlucky children that could feel unwell or has something like scarlet fever, then it’s a good thing to know that once you feel better you won’t be behind in coursework. I know sometimes that you either can’t be bothered or you want to, but you don’t have the energy to. But having the work you’ve missed sitting on your computer for you to look over once feeling better, you’ll thank yourself in the long run for it.

Find a homework buddy


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Having a homework buddy in every class will be beneficial to not only yourself but to the other person. This is because if there is something you’re stuck on, and your friend knows then he/she can help or vice versa. Moreover, having a friend in every class will help you both get through the coursework, especially if one misses the class, then the other can give him/her the notes for that day. This was something I never really had when I was starting high school, I was always the quiet one and preferred to ask the teachers for help than I did anyone else. But as I have become familiar with faces and know ones I can count on, more and more people are helping each other with assignments, homework, past papers, etc. during the last 2 years we have at school. So, having that homework buddy for every class can be really helpful for you to achieve more in high school.

Interact with class discussions


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You have probably heard this advice somewhere along the line but believe me it does help a lot. When interacting in class discussions, it can help clarify any uncertainties I may have and also helps me to remember things better. I know that this is overwhelming for people who sometimes don’t prefer talking in front of a full class, but it's okay to feel like this. You should try to build on your confidence to help you speak out in class discussions. So the next time you’re in class and you’re unsure of something, ask during class discussion, asking the teacher won’t hurt anyone, and it helps you from not sitting there not knowing what to do.

Well, I hope some of these tips were useful to you if they made sure you like and comment down on this post. If you’re new to this site, then make sure you sign up to our member's page to receive updates and sneak peeks of the newest blogs available. See you all next time!

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